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Level 5 – Takitahi
He Raeroa

The language programme for the fluent speaker

He kaupapa reo Māori, tikanga Māori hoki tēnei. Ka ako te ākonga i ngā huarahi e nui ake ai tana takoha ki te oranga tonutanga o te reo me ngā tikanga. You will learn more about te ao Māori, tikanga Māori and how you can incorporate these taonga into your home, work or learning environment. This programme will be delivered 80% in te reo Māori. He akoranga ēnei mā te hunga kua eke ki te taumata tuarima. Ehara mā te ngākau kiore, engari mā te ngākau tapatahi kē ki te ako. 


Who is the programme for?

  • Mehemea e ngākau reka ana koe ki te whakapiki i tō mōhio ki te reo Māori, nau mai. Mehemea e hiahia ana koe ki te noho ki waenganui i te hunga kōrero Māori, nau mai. Mehemea e manawanui ana koe ki te ārahi i ētehi i roto i te reo Māori, nau mai. Ko ngā pūkenga mō tēnei taumata ko Pakake Winiata rāua ko Te Whatanui Winiata.

Anchor 1

Focus Areas

  • Local Dialect – Whakahua: 
    Whakahua is to build and enhance the ability to pronounce correctly.

  • Use – Whakamahi: 
    Whakamahi is to develop and boost the confidence to use the language in simple and effective ways.

  • Grammar – Whakarārangi: 
    Whakarārangi is to build and develop the competence to structure simple and complicated sentences correctly.

  • Revitalisation – Whakarautaki: 
    Whakarautaki is to create awareness and equip participants with the best knowledge to further contribute to te reo Māori prosperity.

  • Curriculum – Whakarauemi: 
    Whakarauemi is to provide and co-create resources to normalise the use of te reo Māori in the learning setting.

To read more about the learning outcomes or success indicators for this programme follow the link: >


Completing this course will help you:

  • To use accurately and confidently common features of local language

  • To readily participate and relax in general immersion settings

  • To demonstrate knowledge of commonly used sentence grammar

  • Use Māori language in curriculum delivery

  • Uses strategies that promote Māori Language


This is a fee-free programme.

Level 3: List
Level 4: List

Programme Schedule

Start Date


  • Week starting and ending:
    April 29, 2024 – July 21, 2024 

Duration & Hours

  • 12 weeks of learning

  • 120 hours

How you'll study

  • 12 weekly evening classes​: Thursdays, 6pm to 9pm

  • Noho Wānanga:  x3 wānanga, Friday evening to Sunday afternoon

  • Puka Mahi: Activity book

Evening class location

Whitireia Polytechnic

3 Wi Neera Drive, Porirua

Noho dates and location

Noho 1 – Week 4: Raukawa marae, Ōtaki

Friday, 24 May – Sunday, 26 May.

Noho 2 – Week 8: Porirua (location tbc)

Friday, 21 June – Sunday, 23 June.

Noho 3 – Week 12: Waiwhetū Marae, Lower Hutt

Friday, 19 July – Sunday, 21 July.

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